Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Second Colonization

Today, I read an article by John Pilger in Outlook. It set me thinking about European colonization in the 17th century. What the United States is doing in the Middle East is very analogous to what Europeans did then. The Europeans were hunting for spices, the Americans are hunting for oil. The europeans looked down upon the natives as uncultured barbarians (see Mahatma Gandhi's retort to that in my previous post). The US through it's wanton acts of murder of civilians, women and children has demonstrated that it barely considers the Iraqis and Afghans to be humans. The Americans are using their superior military power to subjugate the natives and install puppet regimes. UK exploited India by looting cheap raw materials and forcing Indians to buy expensive finished products. The US will loot Iraqis by ensuring that US companies get juicy construction/exploration et al contracts and by keeping the oil tap open. Of course, one might say that this will prove impossible given today's information age, democracy etc. etc. But even the Chinese and the erstwhile Soviets could learn a lesson or two from the US and UK governments on media control. Since the war in Iraq, there have been many reports on the number of women and children killed by the US, on the non-existence of WMDs. There have been studies which showed that of the average 2700 daily attacks on the US troops in Iraq, only 6 can be traced back to US's arch-villain al-Zarqawi. But none of these have been given any attention in the media. The media has been working as the spokesman of the government. A most ironic incident happened recently when a US Marine was captured on tape, murdering a wounded defenseless man in cold-blood. Instead of simply reporting this incident and demanding to know what the military intended to do about it, the media, even before the Pentagon or the White House, has gone on the defensive describing the soldier's actions as a natural reaction to the brutality of war and by drawing attention to the beheadings carried out by the insurgents. Of course, they failed to mention that condoning and even defending this action is tantamount to admitting that the US military is no better than the terrorists they are fighting. Infact it is even more dangerous because of the better weapons and equipment at their disposal.
In January, we can hope that the colonization of Iraq will be completed with the installation of a 'democratically elected' government. Where then will this terrorist group calling themselves the US military turn it's attention next? Iran? Jordan? North Korea? Definitely not North Korea.....You see, they actually have nuclear weapons supplied to them by the US's major non-NATO ally in the Indian subcontinent.