Thursday, August 05, 2004

Moving between apartments

Currently, I am temporarily housed with a few friends. This is because there is a three week difference between the time we had to empty our old apartment and the time we get our new one.
Leaving an apartment is a harrowing experience. Apart from the sadness associated with 'leaving your house', the horrendous amount of cleaning to be done is just crushing. This is so because there is always the fear that the apartment people will charge us cleaning fees over and above the deposit. You might say that this wouldn't be so bad if we had cleaned our apartment regularly. But not having to clean your apartment regularly is one of the perks of single graduate student life :-) .
The friends we are temporarily living with, all have either a desktop or a laptop. So in a house of 4 people we have 5 computers. The fifth one belongs to a friend who is currently vacationing in India. Add to that a TV. So on a typical evening one finds Friends, South Park, Civilization, Microsoft Word and a couple of movies running simultaneously in the house. An overdose of entertainment if there ever was one :-)